Fraser Vickery, AM

Originally from the Channel Country in SW Queensland, NE SA and the APY Lands Fraser has been a KI resident, with Mia at Emu Bay, for 35 years. Fraser has worked as a Regional Manager and Branch for NPWSA and the Environment Department across SA and also worked for the Commonwealth as Park Manager at UKTNP.

Fraser is qualified in forestry, environmental education, ecology and archaeology and has worked as a consultant in environment and natural and cultural resources management since 2003 – mainly for the Aboriginal community and native title organizations. Over the past 40 years Fraser has been a member of numerous government boards and committees including Tourism Kangaroo Island (Vice President) and the Kangaroo Island NRM Board. A campaigning environmentalist since 1972, Fraser is a former President of CCSA, a member of The Wilderness Society SA Board is a founding member of Kangaroo Island Eco-Action and is currently a Core Group member. Fraser was awarded an AM in 2007 for his services to the environment, eco-tourism and the Aboriginal community.